Wearing Flared Trousers

Go back to take another look at the Rauschenberg retrospective at Tate Modern and, despite having had quite a few days to mull it over, I have to confess that I’m still a bit fuzzy as to my reactions to the exhibition.  In fact, the only thing I can say for certain about the show … Continued

Tastelessly Gristly

It’s rare that I ever manage to go out on one of my weekly art rambles and then order my thoughts sufficiently to be able to return home, write up the log and then post the results out into the wide world of the webospheric ether all on the same day.  Nevertheless, in order to … Continued

A Succession of Squibs

To Blackfriars tube station and then across the wide windy bridge en route for Tate Modern.  Have a quick rummage around in Marcus Campbell’s second hand art bookshop but there’s nothing there to tempt me today so on I go into the gallery, entering via the Turbine Hall and looking out for the latest installation … Continued

A Regenerative Commercial Facelift

To Oxford Circus tube station again and out among the swirling throngs of seasonal shoppers with their desperate, dazed looks, all eager to celebrate the wonderment of the nativity by pounding the streets in search of the kind of spiritual enrichment that only money can buy.  A detour down Dering Street gets me out of … Continued

The Vermiform Concession

To Oxford Street tube station and the short walk to get to the Photographers’ Gallery.  And it proves to be a good start to the day since, when I reach for my wallet to pay the usual £3 old people’s discounted entry fee to get into the place (full price £4), the gatekeeper points to … Continued