Barmier and Junkier

Following on from the last blog, I’m still en Paris but before getting out and flaneuring round the boulevards, rues and avenues, and then calling in at some of the café, musees and galleries, I thought I should just have a quick moan about how expensive it is to practice this cultural cruising here in … Continued

Ramshackle Ambience

Eh bien, aujourd’hui je suis en Paris pour mes vacances d’Avril at which point, having stretched my foreign language skills to their limit to set the scene with some local colour, I think I’d better revert to the classic Anglo Saxon prose style with which regular readers will be familiar in order to relate what … Continued

Ectoplasmic Extrusion Even

To South Kensington whereupon exiting the tube station I quickly realise that today must be some kind of school holiday as everywhere is crowded with a kerfuffle of rabbling kids and their over-excited parents all blocking up the pavements along the Exhibition Road.  Fortunately, once I’ve navigated my way past the great stone edifices of … Continued

Onomatopoeic Whoosh

Over to Barbican station and exit out into the post-Easter gloom where the grim, gray lowering clouds seem to provide the perfect harmonic backdrop to the architectural brutality of the depressing surrounds.  Even the ripples on the paddling pool water feature and the unrelenting squirts from the fountains outside the Barbican Centre seem particularly tired … Continued